Shared Space
Shared Space uses science and storytelling to reveal the power of architecture and design to make us healthier, happier, and more connected.
The Psychology of Places of Connection - Colin Ellard, PhD [Part 1]
I speak with acclaimed author, researcher, TEDx speaker, and professor of environmental psychology, Dr. Colin Ellard.
Part 1: On this first part of our two-part episode, Colin and I explore how he discovered his passion for this field, how COVID-19 is shaping his current research and how we are all connecting, and lastly we discuss what evolutionary psychology can teach us about ideal group sizes for connection and community.
Part 2: On the second half of our two-part episode, Colin and I explore research around what small tweaks can shape how we evaluate and want to connect with others, difference between what people think will make them happy and what they want, vs. what actually makes us happy in our home environments, and lastly he leaves us with what he hopes we consider in design and beyond.
Meet the Team
Erin K. Peavey
Erin is the host of Shared Space. She is an award-winning architect, researcher, writer, explorer, and activist. Erin started Shared Space to create a place to hear the voices and stories behind how our spaces and places shape our live, work, love, and connections.
Arnila Nolok
Arnila is a passionate storyteller and actor, graduated from the University of North Texas with a Master of Fine Arts degree. Her contributions have made additional seasons possible, she is a wonderful collaborator and storyteller.
Leanne Doore
Leanne is passionate about design and making awesome things, whether it’s an interactive experience, printed media, or artwork. We are lucky enough to have her assist with her wicked graphic design skills.